
Dogs + Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Most male animals (stallions, bulls, boars, rams, dogs, and tomcats) that are kept for companionship, work, or food production are neutered (castrated) unless they are intended to be used as breeding stock. Since castration will influence a dog's behavior, every dog owner should consult with their veterinarian about the health impacts of castration for their individual dog.

  • Even though dogs are a social species, some dogs exhibit aggression toward dogs outside their immediate social circle. There are many possible reasons for the behavior, and an accurate assessment is essential. A medical exam is important to check for underlying pain or illness. Treatment can be effective once the causes for the behavior have been determined.

  • There are numerous reasons that a dog might soil the house with urine and/or stools. Determining the specific reason is essential for developing a treatment program. Dogs that soil the home continuously or intermittently from the time they were first obtained may not have been properly house-trained.

  • Urine marking is normal in both male and female dogs and can even occur in dogs who are spayed or neutered. The underlying cause for urine marking should be determined so that an appropriate treatment plan can be implemented. Management, prevention, and supervision are important for a good outcome.

  • On your marks, get set, go! Dogs running, jumping, catching balls, making razor sharp turns, and racing to a finish line; that's the canine sport of flyball.

  • Dogs love to run. Dogs love to jump. Dogs love to swim. If your dog likes to do all three, why not investigate the relatively-new canine sport of Dock Diving?

  • Field trials focus on team-hunting and allow humans and their pet dogs to rekindle their hunting instincts in a fun, competitive format.

  • Treats are a great way to bond with your pet but can be a major contributor to obesity. Treats should be no more than 5-10% of your dog’s caloric intake as they add calories, and in greater quantities, can create a nutritional imbalance. Excellent treats that are low calorie and satisfying are vegetables such as green beans, broccoli, and cauliflower as well as air-popped popcorn. Many homemade treat recipes can be found on the internet, but be sure that these are not too high in calories or contain inappropriate ingredients for your individual dog. Check the recipe with your veterinarian before having your dog taste test them!

  • Walking is great exercise for both you and your dog. This article outlines some tips, requirements, and best practices to ensure you both have a safe, enjoyable walk. Make sure your veterinarian clears your dog for any new physical activity.

  • This handout discusses the causes and potential treatments for excess gas (flatus or flatulence) in dogs. Factors such as diet, speed of eating, exercise and foods to avoid are highlighted.

Merivale Papanui Veterinary Clinic
375 Papanui Road 
Merivale, Christchurch 8052 

Phone: 03 3529279

For all emergencies when we are not open please contact the 'After Hours Veterinary Clinic' on 033661052, cnr of Antigua and Disraeli streets, Christchurch.

Clinic Hours

Monday 8:00am – 7:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am – 7:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am – 7:00pm
Thursday 8:00am – 7:00pm
Friday 8:00am – 7:00pm
Saturday 8:00am – 12:30pm
Sunday Closed